Monday, January 12, 2009

The Confessions of a Meat Eater (NO NOT ME.. of course!)

The Confessions of a Meat Eater and their Visit to a Slaughter House : (

Today I read the saddest horrifying nastiest thing I have ever read. But in the end it was a very nice message.

It’s a very descriptive summary of my Cousin’s experience on a slaughterhouse tour.

I have seen so many videos of Slaughterhouses that I know what goes on there, and I think its important for people to know where their meat is coming from and what there assisting in by making the purchases. I have always wished I could take a group of meat eaters to a slaughterhouse because I believe it would be a big eye opener for anyone. That’s why I want to share with you the message my Cousin sent me.

Thanks for reading my blogs! Not matter how little or small. . . being VEG and saving animals is a big part of my life and love hearing from any of you whether it’s a question on how to be VEG, or a comment on why I don’t eat meat.

Thanks ~ Brittany

Below is the message from my cuzz….

“””Listen to this. we are putting a roof on a friend of my dads place. he is a butcher, and he gives good deals to my father for meat. i have always loved meat and made fun of you for being a vegetarian. Today, though, was a revelation for me i saw THE most disturbing sight in my life. This guy just bought a large meat warehouse, which used to distribute all the meat to the Safeways on the Eastern side of the mountains. He gave us the tour after work, which I was not too excited about, to show the friendly confines of a meat warehouse. First of all, you could smell a mixture of blood and death all day. But once you enter you know why! There is body parts of cows, pigs, and deer in buckets, freezers and just sprawled out anywhere and everywhere. It was disturbing. The creepiest part of the whole thing was the "Kill Room"! Where he showed us this room where the animals were herded through a door into this gigantic room with hooks, probes, and very old blood on the walls. As soon as you enter the room your mind flashes to a poor defenseless pig that reminds you of BABE and you picture him entering through the door unknowingly entering his painful and inhumane death. There are dead heads of deer, skeletons of cows, and an assortment of body parts from tons of other animals EVERYWHERE.. The smell and sight alone were enough to make me sick but going into this slaughter house aka DEATH BY MUTALATION CENTER FOR POOR LITTLE ANIMALS (see Bamby and BABE the movies) I write this to you because I know why you do what you do and I have the utmost respect for you.”””

At first I was like what is this roofer butcher message… but then I was like awww that was truly thoughtful and meant a lot to me !

And to everyone else I dare you to youtube or google… and watch a slaughterhouse video or two!!! And try not to feel bad for them…

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